Dog Training

Assistance dog training

The key to a successful autism assistance dog is in the training. At Able Assist Dogs UK, we recognise just how important it is to get this process right. That's why we have become well-known for the excellence of the dogs we raise and train.

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Effective training - from pup to adulthood - tailored to the unique requirements of the future owner

Our dogs begin their training from being puppies, learning basic obedience in the earliest stages and being introduced to some of the activities they'll be expected to perform. As each pup grows and develops, they'll progress to advanced training (around 16 weeks of age) where their training will focus more specifically on the tasks they will be performing for their future owner.

Early years training follows a typical pattern:

  • Obedience development: responding appropriately to commands
  • Working in accordance with their future owner's requirements
  • Working confidently in the same environments as their future owner (including home, work and other frequented places)
  • Introduction to the tasks they'll be expected to fulfil
Our dog breeding programme
Labradors swimming

Autism Assistance

We will be developing the dog's confidence in aiding the autistic child or adult to focus in unfamiliar environments. The dog will be trained in providing a calming presence, learning how to interrupt certain behaviours, provide a distraction when an unwanted behaviour is displayed, and in the case of children especially, keeping them safe by preventing bolting and any other potentially unsafe activity.

Labrador awaiting master's command

Would you benefit from the services of an assistance dog?

Contact Able Assist Dogs UK at or use the number or form provided below. Our training centre is based in Consett.

07508 368 143

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